Senior School
Senior School
The Senior School team of teachers is committed to providing an education that is relevant and meets the needs of students as they prepare for independence and their future. Leadership opportunities are offered to students through participation in the Student Representative Council.
Senior School provides a range of learning pathways based on quality learning opportunities for students in years 10 – 12, allowing them to gain entry to post secondary education, training and employment. Individual student needs are met through the variety of pathways offered, broad subject choices and a supportive personal development program, Pathways and Futures, which offers pastoral care and support for all students. An evaluative/assessment model of student learning is used to develop and support the learning needs of students with learning difficulties and or disabilities.
Students are supported to select subjects for their pathway based on relevance to their post school future. These pathway choices can include Tertiary; University and TAFE; Vocational; certificate level vocational courses, school based traineeships and apprenticeships; SACE completion; SACE Board Curriculum Frameworks undertaken at Stage 1 and Stage 2. Student learning in the community is also recognised as part of their SACE. Many students are able to combine pathways to meet the requirements for their future plans.
Preparing Secondary Students For Work (PSSFW) is a website that will be useful for parents and students and ensures that you gain an understanding in preparing for the world of work.
The SACE (South Australian Certificate of Education) prepares you for work, life and learning in a changing world by:
- building your essential skills and knowledge
- providing you with options and choices to achieve your goals
- preparing you for your future pathway.
The SACE provides a lot of flexibility for students, and has quality standards that are recognised around the state, the country, and the world. The SACE helps you to build on your learning throughout your schooling, as well as preparing you for life beyond secondary school, whatever path you take.
You will gain a range of skills and knowledge as you study the SACE, such as:
- the ability to plan, and make informed choices
- knowledge about yourself and the world, across a range of learning areas
- capabilities in communication, personal development, work, citizenship and learning
- skills to succeed in a digital and information-rich world, including researching, analysing and evaluating
The SACE has many options for completion, including VET (Vocational Educational Training), and recognition of workplace learning, and prior learning.
For further details visit the SACE Board website.
Research Project Link
Parent Guide
Please click here to access the parent guide to the SACE.
Special Provisions
Please click on the link below to view a YouTube video on SACE Special Provisions across years 7 – 12.
SACE for Parents
Please click on the link below to view a step by step explanation of how students achieve their SACE.