Making confident career choices at results time | Tuesday 3 December 6:00pm (AEDT)

The end of the year can be an anxious time for senior secondary students as they take their final exams, wait for their results, and think about what the future holds. Some of you will celebrate, some will be disappointed, and many will feel uncertain about what it all means. Many of you will second-guess your decisions and wonder if you should change your plans and preferences.


Join us as myfuture’s career development expert Dr Michael Healy shares some tips on how to make sense of your results and plan your next steps accordingly. He will talk about:


  • How to make sense of what your results mean for you
  • How to deal with second thoughts
  • How to change your plans, if you really need to
  • What kinds of options you have if you didn’t achieve the results you hoped for
  • Where to go for help if you need it.


These tips will help you to make good career decisions and approach the next chapter of your journey with confidence.


Register now for this free webinar event.